Bouviers Available for Adoption
Thank you for your interest in adopting a Bouvier des Flandres. The Bouviers we offer for adoption have been screened by those knowledgeable in the breed and we feel they are very desirable dogs. We hope to provide them with excellent homes. For each Bouvier adopted, we ask payment for actual expenses incurred or a minimum of $300.00. To be considered as an adopter, please fill out an application.
In some cases, applicants submit an application for a specific Bouvier; in others, an open application is submitted for future consideration of Bouviers coming in to the program. Even if we do not have Bouviers listed as available for adoption, we encourage you to submit an application, as we try to look through applications that we have on file any time a dog comes into our care, and sometimes before they are posted on our website. Please know that many of dogs receive multiple applications, in which case we will look for the applicant that will be the best fit for that particular dog. If your application was not selected, it will remain on file for a year. We encourage you to continue to communicate with the Coordinator in your area regarding your interest, or if you wish to withdraw your application. At any time, direct any questions about the process, your application, or Bouviers to the Coordinator for your state or to the National Director.